Photo for Today - Stela of Pehmnefer

Photo for Today - Stela of Pehmnefer

Stela dedicated to Ra-Horakhty by the scribe Pehmnefer for Yourekhy
24th Dynasty. Nubia?
Museum of Beaux Arts, Lyon

- Photo For Today - Amarna Relief, Lyon
Piece of an Amarna relief with cartouches and solar motif Limestone Museum of Beaux Arts, Lyon Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Photo For Today - Stela Of Houyou
Stela for the family of Houyou, singer of the king Top register - solar barque with reliquary of Osiris Middle register - Houyou making offerings to Osiris Bottom register - Ameaemheb, Supervisor of Archers, and his wife, receiving family offerings Museum...

- Photo For Today - Vases, Lyon
Vases with banded decoration 19th Dynasty, New Kingdom Museum of Beaux Arts, Lyon Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Daily Photo - More Lovely Bits From The British Museum
Funerary Stela of Renefseneb (shown with two relatives) Limestone, Late Middle Kingdom c.1800BC Traditional offering formula Tomb slab of Neferseshempepy, Denderah Limestone. Late Old Kingdom, c.2150BC Limestone stela of Khnumhotep 5th Dynasty,...

- Swiss Return 5th Dynasty Stela
A Swiss museum in Basel is returning an old kingdom stela to Egypt, it is the first piece returned by the Swiss since the ouster of Egypt,s former dictator Mubarak. The stela dated to Egypt's 5th dynasty shows it's owner hunting and is more than...

