Photos of the Western Desert

Photos of the Western Desert

The Western Desert - Roads to Gilf Kebir (photos by Yarko Kobylecky)

Some lovely photographs of Dakhleh Oasis, the Gilf Kebir and other Western Desert locations.  The photographs are highly saturated and the contrast is very high, so these are more art than nature, but they are no less beautiful for that.   Many thanks to Yvonne Buskens for sending me the link.

- Online: Treasures Of Dakhleh Oasis
Leiden University Open Access     An exhibition on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project Informative 40-page PDF with some lovely photographs. Foreword Dakhleh, the “inner” of the oases...

- Photos: Western Desert In Black And White
pixinalasidra flickr site I've never thought of the the Western Desert, the oases and Gilf Kebir as anything other than a festival of shape, light and colour but this flickr site, which was thrown at me by Google Alerts, shows it in monochrome. The...

- Gilf Kebir - Join The Club
Gulf Life (Richard Hoath) The Gilf Kebir, on the south-western corner of Egypt’s Western Desert – remote, uninhabited, virtually rainless – holds a particular place in desert lore. Named and mapped only as recently as 1926 by Prince Kamal Al-Din,...

- Daily Photo: Eastern Desert Rock Art
As a nod to the rock art research mentioned above at Dakhleh Oasis in the Western Desert, here are some photographs of rock art in the Eastern Desert - a very different kettle of fish! For a start, except for one known image, all of the rock art in the...

- Egyptian Rock Art In an article entitled "In the footsteps of Count Laszlo" a trip into the Western (Libyan) Desert is described by writer and poet Robert Twigger. The destination is the Gilf Kebir,...

