Poles discover ancient temples in Egypt

Poles discover ancient temples in Egypt

Serwis Nauka w Polsce

The research project in a temple district in the northern Delta was begun by British archaeologists lead by Jeffrey Spencer from the British Museum in 1991. They received information about the temple of Amun and a few other religious and official constructions, but the information concerning this district despite 12 archaeological seasons was insufficient. Polish Geophysicist Tomasz Herbich, from PAN (Polish Academy of Science) Archaeology and Ethnology Institute in Warsaw, who prepared a precise geophysical map of the excavation site, was invited to join the project. Thanks to using this method, it was possible to discover an unknown temple and dozens of other buildings.

Due to earlier sensational results that were achieved by using the magnetometer in other parts of the Nile Delta - Buto, Tell El-Daba or Sais, it was decided that it is best to use it to recreate the plans of a building built from dried mud - the primary building material in Ancient Egypt. This is how Tomasz Herbich, who with the help of Dawid Święcha and Artur Buszek prepared the geophysical prospect of the site.

See the above page for more.

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