Polish achievements in Egypt and the Sudan

Polish achievements in Egypt and the Sudan

Serwis Nauka w Polsce

In the beginning of this year several research projects had been completed. Dr Grzegorz Majcherek from the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, announced the completion of studies at a university complex from the 2nd half of 5th century and 6th century AD, located at the Kom el-Dikka site in Alexandria, Egypt. It is the only explored ancient university in the Mediterranean area. Excavations performed during recent seasons clarified the chronology of its operation and provided valuable information.

Also in Egypt, in Qurna near Luxor, the excavations in the area of the former Coptic hermitage located inside an ancient tomb are slowly coming to an end. In 2005 archaeologists led by Tomasz Górecki from the National Museum in Warsaw discovered two papyrus books bound in leather and parchment pages with fragments of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. The researchers are processing gathered materials in preparation to the final publication. . . .

The turn of 2009/2010 saw the last research season in the vicinity of the 4th cataract in Sudan, under the great rescue operation prior to the flooding of large areas by the Nile waters piled up by the dam. Archaeologists from the Archaeological Museum in Poznań led by Dr Marek Chłodnicki examined the large late Meroic mound, very richly equipped, which is unusual for burials from this period – containing, for example, copper alloy vessels.

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