Predynastic website

Predynastic website

For those of you who are interested, I've put back up two of my websites.

The one focused on Predynastic Egypt can be found at:

The one focusing on the prehistoric Near East can be found at:

I'll be working on the Predynastic photo gallery over the next couple of weeks.

- Gold Mining In Ancient Egypt
Mining Weekly (Jade Davenport) Via the Petrie Museum Unofficial Facebook page.  The history of gold is as old as that of man. There is no doubt that it was one of the first metals known to primitive man, as it exists in nature in an elemental state....

- New Conference - Change And Solidification Of An Ethnie
The Predynastic of Egypt Oh well, I guess I'll have to cave and admit that Facebook is useful for something, although it causes me an almost physical pain to link to it. Gavin Radis has a Facebook presence (The Predynastic of Egypt) dedicated to the...

- Daily Photo - Predynastic At The Ashmo
The Ashmolean Museum's Egyptology collection is excellent, and is currently back on display after closures during the museum's extensive program of rennovations. I am particularly attached to their Predynastic and Amarna collections, which are...

- Daily Photo: Naqada Ii Ceramics
More photographs from the British Museum. Today's are Naqada II or Class D decorated ceramics. Flinders Petrie, known as the Father of Pots, devised a sequence for the Predynastic pottery that he was finding, and his pioneering work is still in use...

- Predynastic Website Updated For those of you who have been asking me when I am going to get around to updating my Predynastic website, the good news is that I'm doing it. I've updated several pages today with new content, and I will continue to update...

