Predynastic website updated

Predynastic website updated
For those of you who have been asking me when I am going to get around to updating my Predynastic website, the good news is that I'm doing it. I've updated several pages today with new content, and I will continue to update it during the week with much more. The home page contains all the details of the new pages, including some new content on the Prehistoric pages: Dakhleh Masara (Epipalaeolithic), Bashendi (Neolithic) and Djara (Neolithic). I have also added a lot more content to the Predynastic page and made an initial attempt to get the Early Dynastic page into some sort of order. Even a brief review of the state of the site tells me that there's an awful lot to do, but by the end of this week it should be looking a lot better! While I'm at it, let me know if you have any special requests for content that you would like to see on the prehistoric or predynastic pages. Cheers. Andie.

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