Predynastic website

Predynastic website /
Anyone looking for my Predynastic website at either of the two addresses above will find that it is no longer there, thanks to my hosting company who deleted it, together with my Near East prehistory site (was at and the Predynastic photo gallery at
I am working on putting them back up (in spite of the assurances from the hosting company, all attempts to upload the sites have so far failed). I am going to start again with the Predynastic photo gallery, so that is gone for good.
Apologies to those of you who have asked me where the sites have gone. I'll post here when I have them back up and running.
My Faiyum Prehistory site at and my Egyptology portal at are still alive and kicking. Here's hoping that my hosting company don't decide to delete those ones too.

- Photo For Today - Naqada I Ceramics, Mfa
Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks Showing a wonderful Naqada I vessel with animals modeled on the rim, a bowl with hippopotamus decoration, and double libation cups. All links go to descriptions on the MFA website The MFA has a marvellous Predynastic...

- A New Look At Prehistory
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) At last! Anyone interested in the antecedents of the Egyptian civilisation and the cultures that predated the unification of the country under one king may soon have many of their questions answered. Items showing evidence...

- The Endangered Faiyum Geoffrey Tassie has written a paper, posted on the above page, which looks at the modern threat to the archaeology of the Faiyum. Here's his introduction: As already highlighted in the ECHO news article Faiyumi Sites to be placed on...

- Prehistoric And Early Predynastic Faiyum And Delta
www.faiyum.comThanks to everyone who pointed out that my website about the prehistoric and Predynastic periods in the Faiyum, Cairo and the Western Delta was down. The domain expired whilst I was ill, and it has been a bit of fun to get it reactivated...

- Predynastic Website Updated For those of you who have been asking me when I am going to get around to updating my Predynastic website, the good news is that I'm doing it. I've updated several pages today with new content, and I will continue to update...

