Prehistoric and Early Predynastic Faiyum and Delta

Prehistoric and Early Predynastic Faiyum and Delta
Thanks to everyone who pointed out that my website about the prehistoric and Predynastic periods in the Faiyum, Cairo and the Western Delta was down. The domain expired whilst I was ill, and it has been a bit of fun to get it reactivated - but it is up and running again. I have no idea when I will find the time to make the site rather more up to date, but there is nothing wrong with the existing data. It is simply that new data, mostly confirming what is already known. needs to be added.

- Egyptological Headers - 6 Months In!
To celebrate 6 months of the Prehistoric, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Facebook page. I realized yesterday that we have been up and running for just over six months (we started up on 22nd April 2014). A huge thank you to everyone who has posted, commented...

- The Endangered Faiyum Geoffrey Tassie has written a paper, posted on the above page, which looks at the modern threat to the archaeology of the Faiyum. Here's his introduction: As already highlighted in the ECHO news article Faiyumi Sites to be placed on...

- Travel: Qasr El Sagha, Faiyum Depression"Qasr Al-Sagha, or rather the Golden Fortress, is one of Fayoum's mysterious marvels. Located north of Lake Qarun, the building once stood on the shore of the ancient Lake Moeris. Now the lake has shrunk...

- Predynastic Website Updated For those of you who have been asking me when I am going to get around to updating my Predynastic website, the good news is that I'm doing it. I've updated several pages today with new content, and I will continue to update...

- Eight New Granaries Found In The Faiyum Thanks to Tony Cagle for directing my attention to this item on his blog at The Faiyum Depression is a triangular depression to the southwest...

