Prehistoric Faiyum, SW Delta and S Cairo.

Prehistoric Faiyum, SW Delta and S Cairo.

I had a problem with my Faiyum website. Sometimes it seems more like an elevator than a website - it spends nearly as much time down as it does up. Anyway it is back up and running for anyone who wants it. I am updating it with all the information that has emerged in the last couple of years at the moment, but I don't expect the new version to be live for a couple of weeks. There has been a lot of new information and in looking at the website in detail there is an awful lot that I would like to change. There are graphs missing from the Epipal and Neolithic pages - I have no idea what happened to them and they appear to have vanished from my hard drive so I am going to have to re-do them. But the text is all there. As a whole the site is MUCH stronger on the pre-Naqada II archaeology and I will almost certainly delete the Naqada III pages before the site is much older.

- The Endangered Faiyum Geoffrey Tassie has written a paper, posted on the above page, which looks at the modern threat to the archaeology of the Faiyum. Here's his introduction: As already highlighted in the ECHO news article Faiyumi Sites to be placed on...

- Travel: Qasr El Sagha, Faiyum Depression"Qasr Al-Sagha, or rather the Golden Fortress, is one of Fayoum's mysterious marvels. Located north of Lake Qarun, the building once stood on the shore of the ancient Lake Moeris. Now the lake has shrunk...

- Predynastic Website / www.egypt.ukideas.comAnyone looking for my Predynastic website at either of the two addresses above will find that it is no longer there, thanks to my hosting company who deleted it, together with my Near East prehistory site (was...

- Predynastic Website Updated For those of you who have been asking me when I am going to get around to updating my Predynastic website, the good news is that I'm doing it. I've updated several pages today with new content, and I will continue to update...

- Eight New Granaries Found In The Faiyum Thanks to Tony Cagle for directing my attention to this item on his blog at The Faiyum Depression is a triangular depression to the southwest...

