Prehistoric museum for Qena

Prehistoric museum for Qena
An article on the Egyptian Gazette about the plans for the new museum of prehistory to be housed at Qena. This was first announced earlier this year, and I posted about it on the 7th May, but this provides something of an update: "Egypt is going to have its first museum for prehistoric relics, according to a decision taken by Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni. The museum will include 1,400 archaeological treasures, currently located in the storehouse of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. An area of land has already been set aside in Qena Governorate for the construction of the museum. Qena is a very appropriate location, bearing in mind that the oldest skull ever found in Egypt was found here, while this Upper Egyptian Governorate is home to many ancient tombs and other structures. A blueprint for the museum has already been drawn up, including rooms for exhibitions about the life of prehistoric man and how the first urban communities were established. There will also be displays about the agricultural work and industries of ancient man, as well as the pottery utensils he used. Meanwhile, moving forward in history, there will be an exhibition about the life and times of the Pharaohs".
This is the complete item on the Egyptian Gazette website.

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