Preserve the Middle Nile

Preserve the Middle Nile

Preserve the Middle Nile

A blog whose purpose is to raise awareness about the potential damage to ecology and heritage in the Middle Nile region, where new dams are being constructed.

We are a group of people who are concerned that the building of more dams on this the stretch of the Middle Nile in northern Sudan will displace tens of thousands people, severely damage the river ecosystem, and destroy a heritage of vast importance – not only for the local people, but for mankind.

- Egypt To Reopen Lower Nile For Two-week River Cruises
Cruise Critic This has been announced before, without happening, but this article seems convincing enough. Egypt's tourism authority has announced that the river Nile will be opened up for the resumption of the "long Nile cruise," the full 14-day...

- Radar Images Reveal Lost Lake
Thaindian The original article can be found in the December 2010 edition of the journal Geology but be warned that it costs $25.00 for a day's access to the article. Geologists have found that a huge lake waxed and waned deep in the sandy heart of...

- The Mysterious Kingdoms Of The Nile
Light Mediation Thanks to Mark Stott for the above link (in PDF format). The photos of the Meroe sites by Cyril le Tourneur d'Ison are absolutely gorgeous. Do have a look! In the words of French writer, Olivier Rolin, "More truly and mysteriously...

- Book Reivew: Down The Nile
Entertainment Weekly About seven years ago, when she was 38, Rosemary Mahoney rowed down the Nile, alone, in a small skiff. ''What I wanted, really, was not just to seethe Nile River,'' she writes, ''but to sit in the middle of...

- Convention Concerning The Protection Of The World Cultural And Natural Heritage
"The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization meeting in Paris from 17 October to 21 November 1972, at its seventeenth session,Noting that the cultural heritage and the natural heritage are increasingly...

