Ptolomies Through Plexiglass

Ptolomies Through Plexiglass

Here is another article on the proposed underwater museum for Alexandria.

- Cool View
Al-Ahram WeeklyTWO MONTHS after UNESCO agreed on a design proposed by French architect Jacques Rougerie for the first underwater museum of Egyptian antiquities on the Mediterranean coast in Alexandria, a mission from the European Institute for Underwater...

- Unesco Backs Plan To Build Underwater Museum In Alexandria
Xinhuanet The U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced Thursday that it would help Egypt build an underwater museum in the Bay of Alexandria on the Mediterranean. The idea for a museum, located by Cleopatra's Palace...

- Underwater Museum For Alexandria?"Setting up an offshore, submarine archaeological site anywhere is not an easy task, let alone in a city with the water pollution problems of Alexandria. Yet the remarkable discoveries made by underwater archaeologists...

- Alexandria's Submerged Archaeology A travel account of diving into Alexandria's underwater archaeolgy: "Thanks to the earthquake that rocked Alexandria in 1323 the Mediterranean has preserved to divers one of the seven wonders of the world...

- The Kings Wives Of Monte Carlo
An article from Al Ahram on the continuing exhibition.

