UNESCO backs plan to build underwater museum in Alexandria

UNESCO backs plan to build underwater museum in Alexandria


The U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced Thursday that it would help Egypt build an underwater museum in the Bay of Alexandria on the Mediterranean.

The idea for a museum, located by Cleopatra's Palace and the mythical Alexandria Lighthouse also known as Pharos, comes amid growing recognition of the importance of underwater cultural heritage.

The museum, the first of its kind, will be partly above water and partly submerged where visitors will be able to see archaeological artifacts on the seabed, according to a press release by UNESCO.

"This project will certainly enhance the appreciation of underwater cultural heritage and raise awareness of the urgent need to protect it from looting," said the Director-General of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura.

"Until UNESCO's Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention enters into force, there is no specific international law that can protect it against treasure hunters," Matsuura added.

The museum represents a major advance in underwater cultural heritage exhibitions and UNESCO has established an International Scientific Advisory Committee to help in its construction which isexpected to begin later this year.

UNESCO has also produced a documentary film focusing on its Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage and the importance of saving submerged cultural property, increasingly vulnerable to pillaging with the development of more sophisticated and affordable diving equipment.

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