UNESCO - integrating heritage and tourism

UNESCO - integrating heritage and tourism


UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova underlined the importance of better integrating cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism during the Roundtable on World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, held in Miami on 19 March. She highlighted that cultural heritage is a powerful driver of social and economic development for local communities.erful men in the archaeological world finally came to an end. . . .

The Director-General also highlighted the importance of a comprehensive approach to heritage preservation in its various forms, be it natural, cultural or intangible, in order to educate younger generations to the need to preserve it, not just as a historical legacy but as a living and fundamental component of our lives and of the lives of many communities around the world.

In this context, the Director-General invited the United States authorities to consider further advancing the ratification of the UNESCO 2003 Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention.

On this occasion, the Honorable Nathaniel Reed made a strong plea "to continue investment by appropriating funds for the national parks as great economic engines and vital for their sustainability".

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