Ramadan in Egypt - Guide for Tourists and Newbies

Ramadan in Egypt - Guide for Tourists and Newbies

Egypt Hints and Quirks (Darell)

Ramadan began in Egypt yesterday, and continues until 30th September. This has an impact on opening of to monuments and restaurants etc. Darell has posted a very useful summary of some of the impacts and what you might expect during the month of Ramadan at the above address.

- Travel: Enjoying Egypt During Ramadan
Jane Akshar's Luxor News blog Ramadan in 2009 will start on Friday, the 21st of August and will continue for 30 days until Saturday, the 19th of September. Ramadan is a great time to visit a Muslim country. don't forget Egypt isn't just about...

- Ancient Lores And Egyptian Ramadan
Kuwait Times When one listens to Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait, Taher Farahat, describing the rich traditions that are followed in Egypt during Ramadan, the listener feels like he or she has embarked on a journey on the Nile River, directly to the heart...

- Remembering The Millennium At The Pyramids
Oh My News There had been criticism leading up to the event as tickets did not sell so rapidly at first to justify the expense - hence my ability to purchase a ticket so easily the day before the concert. Ramadan fell over the Millennium that year so...

- Travel: Ramadam In Egypt
Tour Egypt Yesterday marked the beginning of Ramadam in Egypt. Although the following dates to 2004 (and therefore supplies different dates for the start and end of Ramadam), it offers an excellent summary of what Ramadam is all about and what visitors...

- Egypt Starts Winter Time At Mid-night Thursday
State Information Service Winter time starts Thursday 6/9/2007 tonight on the occasion of the month of Ramadan. Set you watches 60 minutes back at mid-night. International Herald Tribune Clocks in Egypt roll back one hour at midnight Thursday to put...

