Rameses Head

Rameses Head

Here's a good picture of that big old ugly head of Rameses II found at Tel Basta.


- Replicas
The idea of building replica tombs is an excellent idea for preservation of the well traveled tombs such as Seti I, Rameses VI and Nefertari and closing the original may well alter the tourist desire to visit certain sites which in turn will naturally...

- Amenhoteps Head
Here is an excellent picture of the stolen graywhack head taken by a British smuggler twenty years ago. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2008/927/fr3.htm...

- Abu Simbel
Here is a lovely picture and story on the temple of Rameses II at Abu Simbel. http://allaboutegypt.org/2008/10/sun-shines-on-ramses-ii-at-abu-simbel/...

- New Gallery For Liverpool
The article is very interesting with an excellent picture of the Rameses III girdle. http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=26296...

- Ptolemaic Mummies
Here is an overview of excavations of the Dier Al Banat cemetery who's finds include mummies some with golden masks. There is a good picture of one of the masks. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2008/881/eg6.htm...

