Recent Discoveries at Abydos

Recent Discoveries at Abydos,12674,1266978,00.html
This Guardian Online article summarises recent discoveries at Early Dynastic Abydos, including the probable human sacrifices and the 14 buried boats.  It includes extensive comments by excavator David O'Connor.  This is very much a popular-archaeology article, and is distinctly fluffy, but it does provide a useful top-level summary of what is being found there at the moment.

- Abydos Finds Include Hatshepsut In Female Form
With photo. This story was out and about a few weeks ago but I hadn't seen the photo before of the wooden statuette before (in the New Scientist article).    Ahram Online (Nevine el-Aref) With photos. A team of archeologists from Toronto...

- Book Review: Abydos: Egypt's First Pharaohs And The Cult Of Osiris
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) David O'Connor's Abydos: Egypt's First Pharaohs and the Cult of Osiris. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo (2009) Abydos is situated on the western bank of the Nile about seven kilometres west of the...

- National Geographic Feature On Abydos Thanks to my Dad for buying me the April edition of National...

- Animal Mummies And A Mysterious Statue
This past summer a team of archaeologists led by professor Mary-Ann Pouls Wegner of the University of Toronto found the tomb of a priest at Abydos and temple storerooms including the discovery of 85 animal mummies. The mummies appear to be mostly...

- Looking For Alexander
This article is on recent discoveries in Alexandria of a beautiful looking statue and some early dynastic material in the Fayum.

