Records of Ancient Egypt (round 2)

Records of Ancient Egypt (round 2)

Records of ancient Egypt by James Henry Breasted

This collection of books is a long read but also it takes the reader back to the rules of how to be an ancient Egyptian.

The first volume deals with Egypt up to its Seventeenth Dynasty

The second volume is ancient Egypt's glorious eighteenth dynasty

The third volume deals with Egypt's Nineteenth dynasty

The fourth volume contains Egypt's twentieth to twenty sixth dynasties.

Volume five contains the Indices

- What's New At Etana
Thanks to Chuck Jones for the latest news: The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University ( is the newest member of the ETANA collective ( Both ISAW and ETANA now have presences...

- Update Re Etana
Chuck Jones has posted the following update re Etana: All of the ETANA core texts have been moved over the last year from the KSL server at Case Western Reserve University to more secure locations. Users of ETANA and Abzu will find permalinks in the metadata...

- What's New In Abzu Thanks to Chuck Jones for the information that you can now register to receive e-mail notification when Abzu is updated. Direct your browser to , enter the url: , and then...

- Abzu Please see the following update and request for feedback re the excellent Abzu service, from Chuck Jones. Abzu is an excellent resource for Near Eastern (and Egyptian) documents, with authors like Sir William Flinders Petrie...

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If you want to keep tabs on the latest news from the Abzu website, Chuck Jones has emailed to let visitors know that the ETANA team has developed an RSS feed for the What's New in Abzu pages. The XML source for the feed is:

