Report on a Survey of Mudbrick Buildings

Report on a Survey of Mudbrick Buildings

The Egypt Exploration Society

Following the announcement of the 2010 Centenary Awards (see here), we are delighted to present a report from Maria Correas-Amador on fieldwork undertaken earlier this year thanks to a grant made from the Centenary Fund in 2009. Maria's work focusses on ancient and modern mudbrick architecture and the funds awarded by the Society allowed her to conduct a survey of buildings of this kind in Qena province earlier this year.

The inner wall of the old Shenhur mosque.

Maria's report is available for download as a pdf (471kb) here.

Maria will also be speaking about her work at our forthcmong seminar, '5,000 Years of Tradition: mudbrick architecture ancient and modern', on 12 March 2011.

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