Resource: Updates on OsirisNet

Resource: Updates on OsirisNet

Thanks very much to Thierry Benderitter and Jon Hirst at OsirisNet for the latest news update, giving details of some new additions.

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the publication of three new or significantly updated pages on Osirinet:

* The tomb of Nefermenu, TT 365, is the first of a new presentation based on the site, called "A glimpse!". This name refers to very small tombs, or to others for which we have very few photographs. TT 365 has been chosen to inaugurate this new chapter because of it's common courtyard with the tomb of Nefersekheru. It's HERE :

* A major photographic update has been made to the tomb of Nefersekheru, TT 296, with some 100 new photographs. It's HERE :

* And an article devoted to bindweeds has been written. These plants are very often represented during the Amarna period, and again, during the Ramesside period. Their representations are very often overlooked by visitors, though they carry a high level of symbolism. Discover it in this document. It's HERE :

Enjoy, and remember that we are always glad to read your comments.

Monuments of Egypt

- New On Osirisnet - Tt60 And Tt83
Osirisnet - Home page (English and French versions) Osirisnet - TT60 Osirisnet - TT83 Dear friends We have the great pleasure to present to you the tomb TT60, classically assigned to the vizier Antefoqer, but which actually belongs to the lady Senet,...

- Feature: Osirisnet Updated With Tomb Of Sennefer, Tt96
OsirisNet Thanks to the OsirisNet newsletter for the following information. Dear friends, We are pleased to present to you the tomb of Sennefer, TT96, in its entirety. You will find not only the underground complex (TT96B), the famous "Tomb of the Vines",...

- Osirisnet Updated - Tt56 And Qasr Al Aguz
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- Osirisnet - Tt409, Tomb Of Kyky-samut Thanks to Thierry Benderitter from OsirisNet for the news that the web pages for the tomb of Kyky-Samut (TT409) have been entirely re written and considerably increased. The text is only in French...

- Osirisnet Updated Thanks to Thierry Benderitter for the news that a second tomb from El Amarna is now online on the Osirisnet website : The tomb of Ay, dating back to the time when he was still only a courtier.

