Returning Egypt

Returning Egypt

Artifacts set to go on auction in Europe have been pulled because they have been stolen.

- Repatriating Egyptian Antiquities "In 2003 Hawass set up The Department for Retrieving Stolen Artifacts to trace stolen artifacts. Head of the department Ibrahim Adel Meguid, said the department was able to return about 5,000 monuments...

- A Year In Egyptology
This has been a mixed year with some success's such as the return of stolen antiquities to Egypt but also some not so successful excavations. Dr. Zahi Hawass had reported two new tombs in the valley of kings which so far have not materialized as also...

- The Canopy Stones
Two stone found in the area of Canopy have similar texts as the Rossetta stone.

- Rashid
This Egyptian city is famous for the discovery of the Rosetta stone by Napoleon's army at the end of the 18th century.

- Aswan Damn Bites
Indeed yes forty years later and Egypt may now be facing an ecological catastrophe.

