Review: More re Hatshepsut exhibition at Kimbell

Review: More re Hatshepsut exhibition at Kimbell (
More of a review of the life of Hatshepsut than a review of the exhibition: "She's not as famous as Cleopatra, but Hatshepsut's rise to power in ancient Egypt has the makings of a movie. Add the fact that her name was effectively erased from history after a prosperous reign of 20 years, and this compelling saga takes on the aura of mystery. The timing couldn't be better. The actual mummy of the world's first great female ruler was found during preparations for Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh."
The exhibition opened at The Kimbell Art Museum yesterday.

- Finding Hatshepsut A useful synthesis of the past and present of Hatshepsut. Nevine el-Aref gives a brief description of the reign of the female Pharaoh, takes a look at the tombs, caches and mummies most closely associated with...

- Reviews: Hatshepsut - From Queen To Pharaoh "Nothing looks better in the Kimbell Art Museum than extremely large pieces of stone sculpture. Though the building was designed to hold a collection of European portraits and Asian art, when an ancient...

- More Re Hatshepsut Exhibition (The Journal News)More about the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, again drawing together aspects of her reign and aspects of the exhibition: "The subject of an elegant and enlightening exhibit opening today at The Metropolitan Museum...

- Hatshepsut - From Queen To Pharaoh a reminder that the Hatshepsut exhbition opens this month in the U.S.: "The inaugural exhibition at the new de Young Museum! Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh highlights the...

- Here Comes Hatshepsut"The Kimbell Art Museum has announced that Hatshepsut, the most powerful female ruler of ancient Egypt, will be the subject of a show at the museum next year. Hatshepsut was more than a queen regent...

