More re Hatshepsut exhibition

More re Hatshepsut exhibition (The Journal News)
More about the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, again drawing together aspects of her reign and aspects of the exhibition: "The subject of an elegant and enlightening exhibit opening today at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for two decades (circa 1479-1458 B.C.) during the 18th Dynasty. She wasn't Egypt's first female ruler, nor was she most famously the last. That distinction belongs to the accomplished Cleopatra, who nonetheless drove Egypt into the controlling arms of Rome. But, says Arnold — the Lila Acheson Wallace chairman of the Met's Department of Egyptian Art — Hatshepsut was the most important female pharaoh, presiding over a period of political stability and artistic creativity more than 1,000 years after the pyramids were built. In this, Arnold says, Hatshepsut was similar to Elizabeth I, an analogy that is apt in other ways."
See the above web page for more.

- Review: More Re Hatshepsut Exhibition At Kimbell ( of a review of the life of Hatshepsut than a review of the exhibition: "She's not as famous as Cleopatra, but Hatshepsut's rise to power in ancient Egypt has the makings of a movie. Add the fact that her...

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