More re Hatshepsut exhibition

More re Hatshepsut exhibition (National Geographic)
Another article about Hatshepsut and the touring exhibition, this time on the National Geographic website: "Cathleen Keller, an Egyptologist at the University of California, Berkeley, served as a consultant for the exhibition. Egypt had several female rulers, including Cleopatra, she says. But all of them, except Hatshepsut, emerged at the end of a dynasty. These other female leaders 'represent a last attempt by the ruling dynasty to remain in power,' she said.
Hatshepsut's predecessors—the first rulers of Egypt's New Kingdom period (1539 to 1075 B.C.)—reasserted Egypt's influence and secured borders with military might. The story of her ascent rivals a modern-day soap opera."
See the two-page article for the full story.

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