Rhind Papyrus & VR Book of the Dead

Rhind Papyrus & VR Book of the Dead

"An ancient Egyptian mathematical scroll believed to be more than 3,500 years old will go on display in Wales on Thursday. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus has been lent to the University of Swansea from the British Museum for a year. Its unveiling will coincide with the first public demonstration of a draft virtual reality game inspired by the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead and developed by Swansea's School of Engineering. The Rhind Papyrus comes from a site at ancient Thebes, modern Luxor. It is believed to have been found in the tomb of a Theban official who lived around 1530 BC. It was acquired by AH Rhind in the 1850s and bought by the British Museum in 1865".
This is the complete item on the IC Wales website. For more about the Egypt Centre at the University of Swansea (southern Wales, UK) see:

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