Robbery at Tel El Dabaa

Robbery at Tel El Dabaa

Armed gunman broke into a storage magazine at Tel El Dabaa looting many artifacts while leaving a number broken. Archaeologists are now checking the magazine to find out what exactly is gone.

- The Status Of Egyptian Antiquities Today (Zahi Hawass) A distressing list of problems, the most open official statement to date. When the revolution began on January 25, 2011, and through its first week, there were only a few reports of looting: at Qantara East in the Sinai, and...

- Hawass On Manfred Bietak
Al Ahram Weekly (Zahi Hawass) We as Egyptians believe that our monuments belong not only to us, but to everyone, all over the world. At the same time, the discipline of Egyptology was created by foreign scholars, and they solved many mysteries like the...

- Power Station Controversy At Graeco-roman Tel Al-dabaa"The National Democratic Party's announcement a month ago that Egypt is seeking to revive its nuclear programme and means to build a large power station neighbouring the Graeco-Roman site of Tel Al-Dabaa...

- Five More Objects Returned To Cairo Museum
Five more objects stolen from the Cairo museum have been recovered including a bronze scepter head and four statuettes of gods. Four of the bronzes are in good condition however a bronze of an Apis bull was returned broken though the report says it can...

- Hammurabi On The Nile
A broken mud seal has recently been found at tell Al-Dabaa which dates to the reign of the Mesopotamian ruler Hammurabi.

