The status of Egyptian antiquities today

The status of Egyptian antiquities today (Zahi Hawass)

A distressing list of problems, the most open official statement to date.

When the revolution began on January 25, 2011, and through its first week, there were only a few reports of looting: at Qantara East in the Sinai, and at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. However, since Mubarak's resignation, looting has increased all over the country, and our antiquities are in grave danger from criminals trying to take advantage of the current situation.

Hawass's report includes the following details:

Looting of museums and storage magazines

There are few details about what items have been removed from these facilities. Hawass reports that site inspectors at each of these locations "are still carefully checking the magazine inventories against their databases to assess the full extent of the damage". He is waiting for the inspectors to finish their work and file their final reports.

Sites and monuments

Islamic monuments

Jewish synagogues and Christian churches and monasteries remain safe and undamaged, according to the report.

Hawass concludes:

The antiquities guards and security forces at sites are unarmed and this makes them easy targets for armed looters. The guards and security forces are therefore forced to comply with the criminals’ demands. In addition, the Egyptian police force does not have the capacity to protect every single site, monument and museum in Egypt. The situation looks very difficult today and we are trying our best to ensure the police and army restore full protection to the cultural heritage of the country.

The above report is also summarized on Ahram Online by Nevine El Aref.

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