Round up of Finds

Round up of Finds

Here we have Al Ahram's coverage of the recent find of the burial of the kings wife Behenu wife of probably one of the Pepi's of dynasty six. The article also talks about the recent find of that wonderful red Granite head of Amenhotep III in the ruins of that kings mortuary temple.

- Momentous New Finds
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A good round up of the two most recent discoveries. A colossal head of Tutankhamun's grandfather in Luxor and the burial chamber of Queen Behenu of the Sixth Dynasty in Saqqara are the latest antiquities discovered...

- Queen Behenu's Burial Chamber Discovered At Saqqara
Heritage Key (Ann Wuyts) With photos. A French archaeological team digging at Saqqara has discovered the burial chamber of 6th Dynasty Queen Behenu, wife of either Pepi I or Pepi II. The burial chamber was revealed while the team was cleaning the sand...

- Discoveries At The Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
Here we have an article of recent discoveries made by archaeologists at the site of the 18th dynasty mortuary temple of Amenhotep III ca. 1390-1352B.C.. The recent finds include a rare colossal alabaster statue of the king and a granodiorite head of a...

- The Mummy Of Queen Tiye
The Kings Wife Tiye was wife of King Amenhotep III ca 1350bc and the mother of Amenhotep IV, the heretic Akhenaten. She and Amenhotep historically were probably only children when married and if the record is accurate she probably outlived her husband...

- The Kings Wife Tiye
A colossal statue of Amenhotep III wife Tiye has been found in the ruins of the King's mortuary temple.

