Sahara Journal volume 20

Sahara Journal volume 20

Sahara Journal

Contents of volume 20 (published June 2009) 224 pages, 305 black and white illustrations, 37 colour plates


Rudolph Kuper: A Paradise off Rules?

Savino di Lernia and Marina Gallinaro: The Rock Art of the Acacus Mountains (SW Libya), between originals and copies (abstract)

Azhari Mustafa Sadig: Preliminary Observation on the Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Central Sudan (abstract)

Heiko Riemer: A potsherd from northwest of Abu Minqar and the dispersal of Sheikh Muftah pottery in the Western Desert of Egypt (abstract)

Maria Carmela Gatto, Morgan De Dapper, Merel Eyckerman, Rainer Gerisch, Hannah Joris, Claire Newton and Stan Hendrickx: Landscape reconstruction of the Predynastic site at Nag el-Qarmila (Upper Egypt)

Adriana Scarpa Falce: Borou Sud 06, quadri di un’esposizione (conca di Ouri, Tibesti nord-orientale, Ciad) (abstract)

A. José Farrujia de la Rosa, Werner Pichler and Alain Rodrigue: The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts (abstract)

Ulrich W. Hallier et Brigitte C. Hallier: L’ « époque des Chasseurs Anciens » dans la Tassili-n-Ajjer (Algérie du Sud) (abstract)


Amenti / Ament / Amentet

Jean Daniel Degreef: The Jebel Uweinat relief of Mentuhotep II: a jubilee scene?

Julien d’Huy: New evidence for a closeness between the Abu Râ’s shelter (Eastern Sahara) and Egyptian beliefs

Giancarlo Negro: Segnalazione di nuovi siti d’arte rupestre nel Great Sand Sea egiziano – Seconda parte

Lorenzo De Cola, Maria Emilia Peroschi e Flavio Cambieri: Osservazioni su un dipinto in ocra rossa nel Deserto Occidentale egiziano

Marta Guzzafame, Francesco Marino and Nicola Pugno: The Libyan Desert Silica Glass as a product of meteoritic impact: A new chemical-mechanical characterization

Documenti rupestri / Documents of rock art / Documents rupestres

Stan Hendrickx and Maria Carmela Gatto
A Rediscovered Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic royal scene from Gharb Aswan (Upper Egypt)

Fabio Maestrucci e Gianna Giannelli
Amakamak, il riparo degli uomini-sciacallo (Tassili-n-Ajjer settentrionale, Algeria)

Aldo Boccazzi e Donatella Calati
Tre siti d’arte rupestre del Tibesti nord-orientale

Alec Campbell and David Coulson
Afar II

Maarten van Hoek
Egyptian temple petroglyphs

Brigitte C. Hallier
The warriors of Wadi Oumashi (western central Tassili-n-Ajjer, South Algeria)

Ulrich W. Hallier et Brigitte C. Hallier
Grossesse et naissance au Néolithique (et pensées sur l’évolution de l’art rupestre)
(Sefar et Tin Tazarift, Plateau de Tamrit, Tassili n’Ajjer, Algérie du Sud)

Mark Borda
Survey of an unnamed plain in Egypt’s Western Desert

Documenti preistorici /Prehistoric documents /Documents préhistoriques

Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, Bertrand Poissonnier et Alexandre Livingstone-Smith
Une nouvelle meule ornée au Messak (Libye)

François Soleilhavoup et Roland Foessel
Un objet à produire des sons dans le Chalcolithique de Mauritanie

Alain Rodrigue
Alain Rodrigue
Découverte fortuite d’une céramique campaniforme près de Sidi Cherkaoui (Gharb, Maroc)

Friedrich Berger
An area with aligned stones in the Western Desert of Egypt

Monumenti preislamici / Pre-Islamic Monuments / Monuments préislamiques

Fiorenza Ferretti
Una“tomba reale” nel wadi In Aramas (Libia, Messak)

Scritture / Writings / Écritures

Werner Pichler and Jean-Loïc Le Quellec
Considerations on the sign≈ and the problem of its interpretation in Tifinagh inscriptions

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