Saqqara 2005 Dig Diary

Saqqara 2005 Dig Diary
The Leiden Excavations, a joint expedition working in the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara, are ongoing and the 2005 Dig Diary is online at the above URL. You will need to navigate from the home page to the What's New? Link in the left hand navigation bar. This site is in English. It provides a fascinating insight into what the team have been doing in the 2005 winter season.

- New Book: The Memphite Tomb Of Horemheb
Brepols Publishers M. J. Raven, V. Verschoor, M. Vugts, R. v. Walsem 2011 The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. Commander-in-Chief of Tutankhamun, V: The Forecourt and the Area South of the Tomb with Some Notes on the Tomb of Tia This book is the first in a...

- Including the 2009 dig diaries. Welcome to A visitor to the site before 1975 would have viewed a landscape uncluttered by monuments of any kind ... An observant visitor might have noticed rough rectangular depressions in the sand:...

- Saqqara Dig Diary Dig Diary for the University of Leiden's mission in Saqqara has been updated with news about the 2007 season. Updates from the 2nd, 9th and 16th February are already online,...

- Saqqara Online Update 09/2006 The Leiden Excavation team have updated the Saqqara Online website. Click the What's New link in the left hand navigation bar on the above page to see the latest update (September 2006): "We have entered...

- Updated Excavation Websites
The following is a list of websites which have been updated this season with news about ongoing excavations: Amheida, Dakhleh Oasis Deir el-Banat, Faiyum DepressionLast...

