Saqqara dentist tomb videos

Saqqara dentist tomb videos
A short video clip of the newly discovered tombs. A good panoramic view of the site helps to put the previously posted photographs into context.
A longer video is available from this page, including some good footage of the tombs themselves and an interview with Zahi Hawass at the site. There is also a 7-image slide show on the same page.

- New Book: The Lost Tombs Of Thebes (Zahi Hawass) With video This sounds rather more interesting than many of the coffee table type books that come out at this time of year on the western market. The video shows Hawass and Dr Janice Kamrin talking about the Theban tombs (4.41...

- More Re New Tombs At Saqqara Zahi Hawass has updated his web pages with three photographs of the site. USA Today Dr. Aidan Dodson, a research fellow at the University of Bristol's Department of Archaeology and Anthropology in Bristol, England who was not involved...

- More Re Tomb Of Henu's a short but enjoyable video clip of the tomb of Henu (preceded, inevitably, by an annoying advert) on the above page. The link to the video is under the photograph.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Update: Mummy Sherit videos (Windows Media Player or RealPlayer). The first shows video footage of the scan in process, the resulting images, the model of the child's skull, and is accompanied by interviews with those involved....

- Tut's Bling Is The Golden Ticket This Summer Yet more on the travelling Tutankhamun exhibitions: "Over twice the size of Tut one, this is the first time most of the exhibits 114 treasures have ever left home. Though his celebrated mask remains in Egypt, visitors...

