Tut's bling is the golden ticket this summer

Tut's bling is the golden ticket this summer

Yet more on the travelling Tutankhamun exhibitions: "Over twice the size of Tut one, this is the first time most of the exhibits 114 treasures have ever left home. Though his celebrated mask remains in Egypt, visitors will cast their eyes on Tutankhamen's golden crown, the gilded wood coffin that held his organs, and the smiling mask of Queen Tuyu, the boy king's great-grandmother. 'What this exhibition does is present material from Tut's tomb. But it also presents material from tombs of pharaohs who preceded him. So you can actually see in a more meaningful context [objects from] the 18th dynasty,' says David Foster, project administrator for the Field Museum".
There are also two videos - one about the touring exhibition, but the other is an MSN video of Kent Weeks giving a guided tour of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Be warned - both of them are preceded by a short video clip of advertising for a breath freshener.

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In New York
abc local (Sandra Bookman) With video of exhibitin preview. For the first time in more than three decades, King Tut is back in New York. And this time around, we know a lot more about the ancient boy king. It's the last stop of an eight-city tour,...

- Dallas Gives King Tut A Royal Welcome
There are far too many Tutankhamun articles to publish all of them but here are a couple which celebrate the opening of the Golden Age in Dallas. Dallas Morning News (David Flick and Michael Granberry) As the saying goes, King Tut wasn't born in...

- Exhibition: Tutankhamun In Indianapolis
Huliq Another story about the build-up to the move of the Golden Pharaohs to Indianapolis. Don't forget that if you are in London in August you have just one month to see the exhibition at the O2 in Greenwich. I shall be going along for one last visit...

- More Re Tomb Of Henu
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18783703/There's a short but enjoyable video clip of the tomb of Henu (preceded, inevitably, by an annoying advert) on the above page. The link to the video is under the photograph.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Tutankhamun In Chicago
http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060503/cgw081.html?.v=5Somewhat inevitably, there is bound to be a whole plethora of articles in anticipation of the opening of Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs, which is due to open in Chicago on May 26th. This article...

