Saqqara Dig Diary

Saqqara Dig Diary
The University of Leiden's project in Saqqara has been captured again this year in the form of a dig diary at the above address. The team have been working at Saqqara since late January. Saqqara Online summarizes, in English, each of the previous week's work, giving a real sense of the way in which an excavation progresses, as well as giving an insight into some of the procedural and administrative aspects of working on a site in Egypt. The emphasis is on bringing the work to life through description, but there are some good photos as well. This website is well worth the visit.
As well as the dig diary, the site has details of the project, its objectives, the team members, previous seasons work, and Saqqara's history.
To find the Dig Diary, go to the "What's New" link in the left hand navigation bar.

- Hawass - Recent Trip To Saqqara (Zahi Hawass) Yesterday, I went to Saqqara to open the New Kingdom tombs for visitors. This new set of tombs includes the tombs of Tutankhamen’s treasurer, Maya, and his general who would become king, Horemheb. I want to encourage the tourists...

- Including the 2009 dig diaries. Welcome to A visitor to the site before 1975 would have viewed a landscape uncluttered by monuments of any kind ... An observant visitor might have noticed rough rectangular depressions in the sand:...

- Saqqara Dig Diary Dig Diary for the University of Leiden's mission in Saqqara has been updated with news about the 2007 season. Updates from the 2nd, 9th and 16th February are already online,...

- Saqqara Online Update 09/2006 The Leiden Excavation team have updated the Saqqara Online website. Click the What's New link in the left hand navigation bar on the above page to see the latest update (September 2006): "We have entered...

- Tiy Statue And Hathor Pillar Captial There have been lots more bulletins about Queen Tiy scattered around the Web, but none of them contain any new information. I will post anything new when it turns up, but won't be adding anything that duplicates...

