Saturday Trivia - Tutankhamun

Saturday Trivia - Tutankhamun

Chocolate Tut (
"In honor of the Field Museum's Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs exhibit, Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers created a 400-pound chocolate statue of King Tut. Currently on display in the lobby, the culinary masterpiece is being auctioned for charity. The 120-hour culinary labor of love, created by executive pastry chef Omar Martinez, is made of dark chocolate covertures with 55 percent cocoa content and the chocolate statue is trimmed with 12 ounces of 14K edible gold dust."

Reincarnated Tut
"Helen Reddy's memoir The Woman I Am may have trouble finding an American audience. The Australian vocalist burst upon the American scene in the mid-1970s when her song 'I Am Woman' became an international feminist anthem. Unfortunately, by 1980, that white-hot career essentially ended, and few Americans under the age of 40 will now recognize her name. But no American will have trouble reading her memoir; I haven't seen a prose style like Reddy's since my fourth-grade subscription to The Weekly Reader expired. . . . Things really get interesting in The Woman I Am when Reddy delves into her own personal spiritual search and her belief in reincarnation. Along the way, she informs the reader that Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, was the reincarnation of Richard III; and that Elvis Presley was the reincarnation of King Tutankhamen."

- More Re Tutankhamun In Australia Press Release. Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosny, announced today that the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibition will travel to Melbourne, Australia at the beginning of April 2011. Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of...

- Dallas Gives King Tut A Royal Welcome
There are far too many Tutankhamun articles to publish all of them but here are a couple which celebrate the opening of the Golden Age in Dallas. Dallas Morning News (David Flick and Michael Granberry) As the saying goes, King Tut wasn't born in...

- More Re Tutankhamun Protest ( More coverage on the recent protest re the Tutankhamun exhibition: "Molefi Asante, professor of African-American studies at Temple University, led a protest yesterday in front of the Franklin Institute claiming the...

- Tutankhamun On The Move Again
Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs opens on February 3rd 2007 at The Franklin Institute, the fourth and final stop on the U.S. tour, following its recent showing at The Field in Chigago. ( "Tutankhamun...

- Corporate Sarcophagus Irks Hawass ( very much to the U.S. graduate student who sent me links to the following minor controversy which blew up at a Chicago media preview: "A major U.S. sponsor of a traveling exhibit of Egyptian King...

