Saturday Trivia

Saturday Trivia

Review of the new Elizabeth Peters book
"For years, in several mysteries by Elizabeth Peters, Amelia Peabody and husband Radcliffe Emerson have been excavating in Egypt with the highest integrity and many exciting, dangerous exploits. In Tomb of the Golden Bird, the latest in the series, they have reached 1922 and the discovery of King Tut's tomb. They don't discover or excavate it - after all, they are fictional. They have to work in another part of the valley. But the reader can rely on Peters' scholarship to learn how it was done and how it looked."

- Book Review: Beneath The Sands Of Egypt
Thanks to Donald Ryan, author of Beneath the Sands of Egypt for sharing the following reviews of his book with me. Barbara Mertz, Egyptologist (a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters, New York Times bestselling mystery author): “Don Ryan is a rare bird – a field...

- Kmt Summer 2010 Now Available.
KMTThanks as usual to John Rauchert for letting me know that the contents for the new edition of KMT are available online at the above address.Volume 21, Number 2, Summer 2010 Includes Nine Feature Articles: Tutankhamen’s Family Ties Full of Knots by...

- Fiction Review: The Laughter Of Dead Kings
Washington Post (Review by Mary Doria Russell) The Laughter of Dead Kings. A Vicky Bliss Novel of Suspense. By Elizabeth Peters I wanted to love Elizabeth Peters's "The Laughter of Dead Kings" because I know how much even a single quibble in an otherwise...

- Exhibition: Review Of Excavating Egypt At The Columbia Museum Of Art
Free Times This exhibit promises to feed the fascination. Objects and artwork ranging in age from the early Egyptian history to the late Roman period provide a view into the lives of both royal and ordinary Egyptians. The exhibit is not simply an overview...

- More On Zahi Hawass On Time 100 List,9171,1187259,00.html Thanks very much to my Official Nitpicker Chris Townsend, who has pointed me at this article on the Time Magazine website, where a brief profile of Hawass has been posted by novelist Elizabeth...

