More on Zahi Hawass on Time 100 list

More on Zahi Hawass on Time 100 list,9171,1187259,00.html
Thanks very much to my Official Nitpicker Chris Townsend, who has pointed me at this article on the Time Magazine website, where a brief profile of Hawass has been posted by novelist Elizabeth Peters: "Hawass has to be—and is—a master of multitasking. A friend and I once had coffee and shisha (water pipe) with him in Cairo. He sipped his coffee, chatted with us, dictated to a secretary and took phone calls more or less simultaneously. He has been described as theatrical, passionate and controversial. He is passionate about Egypt and its antiquities and doesn't hesitate to use words like magical, thrilling and marvelous when describing his discoveries in the Valley of the Golden Mummies or his recent investigation of the battered mummy of Tutankhamen." See the above page for the rest of the item.

- Cleopatra - "uniquely Hawass"
Global Post (Theodore May) Anyone who’s worked as a reporter in Egypt long enough knows what it’s like to deal with Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, which oversees the country’s ancient sites. Hawass may be the...

- Hawass Overview Of Current Status In Various Projects Some of the new mummies that have been unearthed of late are likely to be those of ancient Egypt’s most controversial royals, announced Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities....

- Zahi Hawass And Stolen Treasures A Cairo Magazine article about Zahi Hawass on "stolen"artefacts, and in particular the Rosetta Stone which is on display at the British Musem: "Egypt is once again calling...

- Two New Books By Hawass Reviewed Archaeology Magazine has two new Egyptology-based books by Zahi Hawass in its most recent issue: a book for children, and a coffee-table book. Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

- Dr. Hawass On Tut And Other Things
This is an interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass on the travelling king Tut exhibition now in New York. For the first time in a long time Dr. Hawass mentions the mask known as Kanefernefer in the St. Louis Art museum which was allegedly stolen out of a storage...

