Saturday Trivia

Saturday Trivia

Review: Stargate - Ultimate Edition
"Before Richard Dean Anderson there was Kurt Russell, and prior to the many small-screen adventures the aforesaid male protagonist would have, his big-screen alter ego would have one extraordinary one. Directed by Roland Emmerich and produced by Dean Devlin, special effects masterpiece “Stargate” (1994) centres on a military commander (Russell) and Egyptologist (Spader), who are bought into unlock an intergalactic portal, which ultimately leads to other worlds. What they discover on the other side is an Egypt-like place, but with 3 moons, and where humans are ruled by an alien force. For the most part, “Stargate” is a grand science fiction yarn. It’s best before the gang actually enter the Stargate and meet the film’s token villain, Ra (Jaye Davidson). But with some stellar special effects and some nicely handed action sequences, those ‘down times’ will seem to pass quickly. If you’ve already bought the ‘Special Edition’ Stargate, and are now fretting because there’s an ‘Ultimate Edition’ out on the market. Don’t despair that much, it isn’t all that necessary to upgrade. While the new double-disc set is a marvel in sight and sound for the film itself, it does lack the conglomerate of extras some may be expecting."
See the above site for the full review.

Review: Odd editing buries 'Mystery of the Nile'
A review of the IMAX film about kayaking down the Nile: " 'Mystery of the Nile' is steeped in important discoveries, yet I never get a clear idea of what these people are up to. I can see Egyptian hydrologist Dr. Mohamed Megahed collecting water samples in little vials. But what's the purpose of Myriam Seco, nicknamed the Spanish Indiana Jones? Like me, she just seems to be along for the ride. . . . . The adventure scenes are the most disappointing. The most exciting parts are talked about in grainy video footage or re-created after the fact. The worst example occurs when Pasquale and kayaker Gordon Brown run into a storm during a dangerous lake crossing. The shot of water spraying across the front of the raft could only be accomplished with a second boat. Before I start talking about magic bullets (the crew was, after all, shot at in another clumsy re-creation), let me say that "Mystery of the Nile" has its share of eye-popping visuals. The Egyptian monuments look magnificent on the domed screen. Even more impressive are Sudan's black pyramids of Meroe, a once-lush civilization that's now an ancient ghost town of stone and sand."
See the above page for the full review.

Africa Nations Cup
Well it has nothing to do with Egyptology, but it is nice to see that hosts Egypt won the African Nations Cup for the fifth time last night, beating Cote d'Ivoire 4-2 on penalties after Didier Drogba missed the Elephants' first kick.

- Book Review: Eternal Egypt
Archaeology Magazine (review by Mark Rose) At the End of Days, when all the coffee-table books on ancient Egypt rise up to be judged, where will The Eternal Light of Egypt stand? The book, a Thames & Hudson offering, features 126 images by modern-day...

- Documentary Review: Mummies - Secrets Of Pharaohs (in Chicago) Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and a modern-day forensic adventure, all in one eye-popping new film that opens at the Museum of Science and Industry’s domed, five-story screen through February...

- Saturday Trivia
You do have to wonder, sometimes, what Ramesses II and his peers would have made of all that the Egyptian civilization inspired. Isis - The Secrets of Isis: The Complete Series "When science teacher...

- Imax Documentary - Ancient Egyptian Mummies warned - as soon as you load the page a trailer loads and you get the background music playing. Thanks to Jen Shiea for the following:"Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, brings to life ancient wonders, historic intrigue and...

- Saturday Trivia
Age of Mythology"Drawing on the well-established mythos of three distinct cultures, Ensemble have created a real-time strategy game that is not too radical a departure for RTS traditionalists, but is at the same time innovative...

