Save Esna Temple

Save Esna Temple
A very short piece on the Egyptian Gazette website: "Farouk Geweida in the daily business El-Alam el-Yom referred to a letter from a tourguide warning that underground water is threatening the foundations of the ancient temple at Esna in Upper Egypt. The letter said that attempts to pump the water out from under the temple have been in vain. Experts say the only solution is to raise the temple on a platform of insulating material.'Is there any way to avoid putting the lives of visitors at risk and save the temple?' "

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- News Items In Brief The last item on this page of the Egyptian Gazette lists a couple of short Egyptological news items.The US Research Centre is cleaning and registering remains of Tow Sert temple in Luxor.The French team of archaeologists...

- Plans To Relocate Temple At Esna "The Graeco-Roman Temple of Khnum at Esna currently stands below ground level in the centre of the city, where it is subject to daily seepage from wastewater. The Supreme Council of Antiquities has decided...

