Saving history for posterity

Saving history for posterity

Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)

An engaging account of how the Akhenaten statuette was recovered, followed by a look at which museums remain closed due to security concerns, the improvement in visitor numbers to various sites and the doubts about damage inflicted on a number of sites which remain to be investigated closely by a committee. I was particularly struck by the remark that there have been reports of houses being built over archaeolgoical sites for the purpose of illegal excavation. Here's an experpt but see the above page for the full story:

Hawass said forced entries had been confirmed at a number of storage magazines, including one near the pyramid of the Sixth- Dynasty king Teti and a storeroom belonging to Cairo University, both at Saqqara. "I have created a committee to prepare reports to determine what, if anything, is missing from these magazines," Hawass said. He added that military authorities had caught thieves attempting to loot the site of Tel Al-Basta in the Nile Delta as well as other criminals who were trying to loot a tomb in Lisht. There have also been reports of houses being built over archaeological sites and of illegal digging.

- Under The Pharaohs' Spell
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) This year, 2011, was indeed different for Egypt. A few days after the revolution broke out on 25 January, eventually toppling president Hosni Mubarak and his autocratic regime, the corrupt police force faded into the background...

- The Post-revolution State Of Egypt's Heritage
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The 25 January Revolution seems to have cast the Pharaohs' curse over the antiquities and museums sector in Egypt, which has seen more than its share of bad luck in the past nine months. The early days of the uprising...

- Unesco Visit To Egypt
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Following favourable reports on Al Mary Al Youm and Ahram Online about UNESCO's visit to Egypt (22nd March), Hawass says that UNESCO was upset by the damage that he showed them at sites in northern Egypt. Following his...

- More Bad News From The Ministry Of Antiquities (Zahi Hawass) See the above page for the full story. On Friday night, a group of 35 criminals attacked the storage magazines at Tell el-Fara'in (Buto) an ancient and important former capital of Lower Egypt, the Delta. Here the remains...

- The Status Of Egyptian Antiquities Today (Zahi Hawass) A distressing list of problems, the most open official statement to date. When the revolution began on January 25, 2011, and through its first week, there were only a few reports of looting: at Qantara East in the Sinai, and...

