Security and Tourism in Egypt - an American perspective

Security and Tourism in Egypt - an American perspective
N.B. - you have to register with this site, and it will ask you for an email address and password when you revisit. It is an article about an American visiting Egypt, the security precautions in place and the absence of Americans. The article is a mixture of anecdotal accounts of the writer's visit to Egypt and some contemplation about why, in her opinion, Americans have ceased to visit.

- Egypt On Alert Following Death Of Bin Laden
Eurasia Review Egypt on Monday announced a security alert around the American and British embassies and all their interests in the country after the American declaration about the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. . . . Meanwhile, the Egyptian...

- Travel: Visiting Cairo A far more informative travel article than the usual offerings. This is the first of a two-parter. This part looks at why more Americans are traveling to Egypt, what Egyptian security is like, a short...

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- Unearthing Egypt's Treasures A Providence Journal article about the attitidues of Zahi Hawass to visitors to Egypt. If you need a username and password, use Andie (username) and Gazelle (password).Egyptology...

