Travel: Visiting Cairo

Travel: Visiting Cairo
A far more informative travel article than the usual offerings. This is the first of a two-parter. This part looks at why more Americans are traveling to Egypt, what Egyptian security is like, a short but informative overview of pyramids and Giza with a pragmatic description of the sound-and-light show, an evocative account of the sites and sights of Cairo, and a short description of the Egyptian Museum: "Some 150,000 artifacts cram dusty wooden display cases where typewritten cards describe the items. Crowds huddle around them vying for a peek as their guides jockey for position and raise their voices to be heard above the throng."
See the above page for the full story - part two, which appears next week, will look at a Nile Cruise.

- Tutankhamun In Luxor And Cairo
The Telegraph (Nigel Tisdall) This has been slotted into the Travel section, but it is a very good commentary about the way in which the Tutankhamun collection is displayed - both in the king's tomb itself and in the Cairo Museum. Tidsall highlights...

- Tourism: Online Resources For Travellers"The Egyptian Tourism Authority (ETA) will relaunch a dedicated website at the domain, to cater to the travel and tourism trade and press this month, according to a statement....

- Travel: A View From The Nile ( A two-part day by day account of travelling from the U.S. to Cairo and then taking a cruise up the Nile from Aswan via Abu Simbel: "Aswan appeared much cleaner and more prosperous than Cairo. While still...

- Passage Through Antiquity four-page description of a cruise down the Nile, with evocative accounts of sights both modern and ancient, giving a sense of what it is like to see the archaeology in geographical...

- How To Beat The Crowds For Tickets To King Tut,1,7413459.story?coll=chi-travel-hed A short piece which offers advice to people who want to visit the exhibition but don't fancy the queues and crowds.Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...

