How to beat the crowds for tickets to King Tut

How to beat the crowds for tickets to King Tut,1,7413459.story?coll=chi-travel-hed
A short piece which offers advice to people who want to visit the exhibition but don't fancy the queues and crowds.

- A Thumbs-up For Tutankhamun In Dallas
The Dallas Morning News Perhaps you, like me, tend to put these things off. It's actually quite pleasant to be a person who's often just as happy to stay home and read a book, but it means I never get around to seeing a lot of movies and festivals...

- Exhibition: Crowding At Tutankhamun In Philadelphia
Jaunted A short but clearly stated rebuke to the Franklin Institute about crowds at the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Franlklin Institute. This is a cautionary tale: Last week we went to Philadelphia's Franklin Institute to check out the traveling...

- Travel: Visiting Cairo A far more informative travel article than the usual offerings. This is the first of a two-parter. This part looks at why more Americans are traveling to Egypt, what Egyptian security is like, a short...

- Success Of Mummies Exhibition At Bowers Museum,0,296790.story?coll=mmx-celebrity_heds This is a actually an article about public reactions to the Tutankhamun exhibition, but a couple of lines at the end of the article compare it with...

- Standard Vs Vip Ticket Sales At Tutankhamun Exhibition,1,2203981.story?coll=la-headlines-california "The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, home to the nation's costliest art exhibition tickets, has raised the bar by offering a $75-a-person VIP ticket...

