Standard vs VIP Ticket Sales at Tutankhamun Exhibition

Standard vs VIP Ticket Sales at Tutankhamun Exhibition,1,2203981.story?coll=la-headlines-california
"The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, home to the nation's costliest art exhibition tickets, has raised the bar by offering a $75-a-person VIP ticket to "Tutankhamen and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs," more than double the already controversial top price of $30.What does an extra $45 get you? Not relief from the crowds ogling the ancient treasures from Egyptian tombs, and no extras, not even a catalog. Instead, you gain access to a shorter line to get inside, and at any time on the chosen day. Buying a lower-priced ticket requires a specific time and puts you in a longer line — sometimes for an hour or more". See the article for more.

- More Re Tutankhamun In London
Tutankhamun in London For those of you either in the UK or planning to visit the UK whilst the Tutankhamun exhibition is here, the most recent news that has been released is as follows. An email has been sent to those who pre-booked "certificates" online...

- Tutankhamun Ticket Sales This item predicts a surge in ticket sales before the closure of the Tutankhamun exhibit before it moves to Fort Lauderdale. The second item looks at ticket sales for the upcoming Fort Lauderdale visit:

- Ticket Prices And Tutankhamun An article about the financing of the Tutankhamun exhibition: "New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, which hosted the Treasures of Tutankhamen in 1978 and helped organize the original tour, declined...

- Tutankhamun Ticket Sales "More than 600,000 tickets to the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibit have been sold since it opened on June 16 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)". For details about ticket availability at LACMA,...

- Tut's Tissue Box The first item on this news round-up on the Artnet page above looks at some of the costs for visitors to the Tutankhamun exhibition. As well as the usual comments about standard and...

