Seeing Pyramids Through Clumsy Protocol

Seeing Pyramids Through Clumsy Protocol

Here we have an article from Dr. Hawass on the recent BBC article on infrared satellite images which were advertised as showing seventeen unexcavated pyramids and thousands of archaeological sites. Dr. Hawass is displeased as the article went out without his approval which is proper protocol and he disputes the findings published.

- Hawass Response To Satellite Discovery Reports
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Minister of State for Antiquities (MSA) Zahi Hawass announced at the ministry in Zamalek that yesterday’s media reports that researchers from the University of Alabama in the United States had identified 17 lost pyramids...

- Satellite Technology Used To Find Sites,,61-2037531,00.html Article about Sarah Parcak's work using satellite imagery in Egypt (published in full in the EES magazine Egyptian Archaeology): "Satellite technology has more than doubled the number of ancient...

- Seeing Pyramids
 Infrared images of Egypt from a satellites orbiting some 700 kilometers above the earth have revealed thousands of archaeological sites including the discovering of 17 lost pyramids. A year long study has been done by researchers from the University...

- Doctors Orders
This is yet another article from Dr. Zahi Hawass putting forward yet again Egyptians doing archaeology in Egypt and being responsible for the protection of the monuments. The doctor explains about past history in excavations without scientific merit and...

- Inside The Bent Pyramid
Dr. Zahi Hawass is opening various pyramids to tourism in order to alleviate the pressure on the pyramids of Giza.

