Sex and booze figured in Egyptian rite

Sex and booze figured in Egyptian rite
A short piece describing new scenes found depicting the so-called Festival of Drunkeness: "Archaeologists say they have found evidence amid the ruins of a temple in Luxor that the annual rite featured sex, drugs and the ancient equivalent of rock 'n' roll. Johns Hopkins University's Betsy Bryan, who has been leading an excavation effort at the Temple of Mut since 2001, laid out her team's findings on the drinking festival here on Saturday during the annual New Horizons in Science briefing, presented by the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing."
It is wonderful just how many of you picked up on and emailed details of this story to me :-)

- Egypt's Sin City (hall Of Drunkenness, Karnak) "Over the past six years, Bryan's online expeditions have documented 3,400-year-old rites at the temple that were conducted to appease the gods and give vent to some of the age-old animal...

- Hopkins Dig Diary"Egyptologist Betsy Bryan and her crew are once again sharing their work with the world through an online diary, a digital window into day-to-day life on an archaeological dig. Starting about Friday, Jan. 19,...

- Tut, Tut, Those Hedonists,0012.htm One of the more light hearted looks at this week's news that John Hopkins have uncovered scenes of debauchery at Luxor: "The ruins of a temple in Luxor in Egypt point to a discovery that could...

- Questions About The Tiy Statue ( In this item Bryan says that the identification of the statue as Tiy may not be secure, but that it certainly represents "a major queen of Amenhotep III, which would limit the subject of the statue to Tiye, Amenhotep's...

- Ancient Egyptian New Year Greeted With Dance And Beer"Many ancient Egyptians marked the first month of the New Year by singing, dancing and drinking red beer until they passed out, according to archaeologists who have unearthed new evidence...

