SGI masters the curse of the mummy

SGI masters the curse of the mummy
Quite a long piece looking at the SGI unwrapping of the child mummy Sherit. This is probably the most detailed description both of the SGI process and the results of the analysis of Sherit that I have found so far: "Two thousand years ago in the sands of Egypt, grieving parents put their tiny child to rest in a way that was customary even during the time of Christ. They removed all of the youth's organs except for the heart, packed the remains in salt to cure them and wrapped them in linen coated with perfumed resin. Like all Egyptians of the age, they were certain that their careful efforts would prepare their loved one to someday come back to life. Today in Silicon Valley, a team of world-renowned experts proved those parents right — although the mummy's high-tech resurrection may not quite be what ancient Egyptians had in mind". See the above URL for the full story.

- In The Lab: Mummy Scans At Stanford With Video "This was a mummy we weren’t allowed to touch," Paul Brown, a biocomputing expert at Stanford, told Ivanhoe. Biocomputing experts -- who study biological applications of computers -- and medical physicists got a detailed look...

- Cat Scan Of A Child Mummy From Mfah Collection
ABC13 This story doesn't actually mention which country the mummy under discussion comes from, never mind which area, but putting the information together it seems safe to assume she is Egyptian. It's been a mystery since the time of Christ --...

- Radiologists Reveal Mfah Mummy’s Secrets
WebWire Wrapped up for 2,000 years in a manner that indicated wealth and love, the mummy was a mystery child. That changed recently when the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston asked The University of Texas Medical School at Houston’s Department of Diagnostic...

- Reconstructed Head Of Mummy Sherit Another article about the scan of the mummy Sherit, but with a photo of the reconstruction of Sherit's face that I don't think appears on any of the pages I posted during the week.Egyptology...

- The Amulet

