Soaring high across the pyramids

Soaring high across the pyramids

Egypt Daily Star News (Sarah Marquer)

On a clear and sunny Friday afternoon overlooking the city’s wonderfully hazy skyline, over 250 Japanese and Egyptian families, students, and government representatives gathered amidst the usual flurry of tourists around the Pyramids of Giza with a single aim in mind — to test Cairo’s winds with Japanese kites

In celebration of the opening of the 2008 Japan-Egypt Year of Science and Technology, modern Japanese kites were shared and flown high into the air against the backdrop of the Khafre Pyramid in order to arouse curiosity in science and technology, old and new, among the youth of both countries.

The Lindako kite, translated from Japanese as a series of kites in one line, was featured alongside the pyramids in order to stimulate questions about aero-science and architectural technology.

See the above page for the full story.

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