Spanish museum said to be exhibiting stolen Egyptian antiquity

Spanish museum said to be exhibiting stolen Egyptian antiquity (
"A Barcelona museum of Egyptian artifacts on Wednesday denied charges that one of its statues may have been stolen from Egypt, a dispute that has prompted the Cairo government to dispatch experts to examine the piece as a possible step toward claiming it.
The limestone artwork — a 43-centimeter-tall (17-inch) depiction of a princess named Nefert — is on display at the Egypt Museum of Barcelona, which says it will return the piece if it turns out to have been stolen.
The charges come from a Spanish Egyptologist who used to work at the museum but left about two years ago, Ildefonso Falcones, the museum's lawyer, said in an interview from Barcelona.
When the archaeologist stopped working at the museum, she demanded payment of damages for alleged psychological abuse on the job. When the museum refused, she went to Egyptian authorities with her suspicions that the statuette was removed from Egypt illegally. . . . Zahi Hawass, general secretary of the Superior Council of Antiquities of the Egyptian government, told The Associated Press in Cairo on Wednesday that he is sending a delegation of three experts to Barcelona next week to examine the statuette.
But he said the issue is whether the piece is authentic, not whether it was stolen, and that if it is real, Egypt will claim it."
See the above page for more details.

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