Statues from Luxor

Statues from Luxor

New statues have been found near Luxor including a bust of Hatshepsut.

- More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes Discoveries
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El Aref) TWELVE sphinx statues from the reign of the 30th- Dynasty Pharaoh Nectanebo I were unearthed last week in Luxor, reports Nevine El-Aref. Archaeologists have unearthed a set of 12 limestone sphinx statues near the road...

- 17 More Sekhmet Statues Found Minister Farouk Hosni has announced that the team working at the Temple of Amun III at Luxor have unearthed another 17 statues of the goddess sekhmet, following on from their recent...

- More Re Amenhotep Iii Temple Statues "One of the goddess statues is made of granite, the other diorite, while the head is granite.The lower legs of one of the goddess statues were broken off, while only the upper body...

- Luxor Update A very short bulletin on the Al Ahram website about developments at Luxor: "The SCA and the Luxor Supreme Council agreed to enlarge the road around the two famous Memnon statues on Luxor's West Bank; they...

- Another Dna Lab From Discovery

