17 more Sekhmet statues found

17 more Sekhmet statues found

Culture Minister Farouk Hosni has announced that the team working at the Temple of Amun III at Luxor have unearthed another 17 statues of the goddess sekhmet, following on from their recent find of six statues last week: "The life-sized statues of the goddess, who has the head of a lioness and the body of a woman, were found when the team was doing restoration work on the temple of Amenhotep III, on the west river bank of Luxor, Hosni said in a statement from the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)." There have been no statements about what sort of condition that statues are in.
Although usually described as a goddess of war, Sekhmet was quite a complex personality. To learn more about the different aspects of the goddess see this page by Caroline Seawright:

Updated: Thanks to ASADE and the Amanuense list for the news that there are photos at:
http://tinyurl.com/egrvw (Antena 3 - Spanish language article)

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